
August 21, 2019

Mike Scallon, Director of Marketing, E.B. Bradley Co. – Chemcraft/Akzonobel

As an attendee of Jaynie’s Smith’s keynote speech during Chemcraft’s national distributor meeting in Ft. Lauderdale early this year, I enthusiastically endorse and recommend Jaynie as a speaker. A key reason for my Chemcraft meeting attendance was to hear Jaynie speak and learn more about the Smart Advantage research approach. Her content was widely interesting to attendees, who were owners or leaders of their respective businesses. I found Jaynie’s content to be informative, innovative and entertaining. Hearing Jaynie speak cemented E.B. Bradley Company’s interest in engaging her Firm in a project to identify competitive advantages and execute against those findings. I highly recommend Jaynie as a speaker.

Alan Goodin, Executive Director, Kellen Company – EANYC Harvard Club

Jaynie was articulate, focused and gave high level advice to over 100 New York City CEOs. The audience stayed engaged and interacted throughout the entire presentation. It was impactful and all walked away with tangible action items that could add value to every company, if implemented.

May 13, 2016

Nick Megson, Commercial Director – Reprotec Uk Limited

Having spent the morning at Jaynie’s presentation today at Newcastle, im so pleased i have at least 10 hours to calm down otherwise i would not sleep.
I have never, ever received a presentation that has pricked so much inspiration. You mention the AHA moments, well, i found lots during your presentation. I cannot wait to purchase your books as I feel I can learn so much more. 25 years thinking i was good at my job only means after I read you books and indeed implement what you say will make better. I often read, “Who would you like to be stuck in a lift with”, my answer now is Jaynie Smith, i could listen to you for ever.

June 18, 2014

Kate Seward, Senior Director of Program Management – Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe (WCAS)

Jaynie’s presentation was one of the top-rated presentations at our meeting, both in terms on content value and presentation effectiveness

September 20, 2013

Jaynie L. Smith

A relevant competitive advantage gives buyers a reason to choose you over your competition.

August 04, 2013

Jack Welch

If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.

Peter Drucker

Ninety percent of the information used in organizations is internally focused and only ten percent is about the outside environment. This is exactly backwards.

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"Outstanding! Jaynie L. Smith provided a memorable speech to the graduate business students by sharing her unique views on creating a competitive advantage, as well as her real industry experience. Ms. Smith encouraged students to relate to the topic by focusing on how they can create a competitive advantage for themselves when starting their careers. The students really appreciated her time and have come to understand the value in creating a competitive advantage!"

Catalina Victoria, President, Graduate Business Student Association Nova Southeastern University